Tip #052: A Better Way to Preview an Effect
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #052: A Better Way to Preview an Effect
Larry Jordan – https://LarryJordan.com
Here’s how to see an effect without applying that effect.

In the Timeline, put the playhead in the middle of a clip to which you want to add an effect.
This displays the clip in the Viewer.
Next, open the Effects Browser (shortcut: Cmd + 5) and find the effect you want to apply.
Instantly, the effect – at its default settings – is displayed in the Viewer as though it was applied to the clip, but it isn’t… yet.
Even better, press the Option key. Now as you hover and drag over an effect in the Effects browser you’ll see the effect applied to the clip and, as you drag, the principle setting – for example, the amount of a Gaussian blur – changes allowing you to see how altering the setting will alter the effect.
If you like the results, double-click the effect to apply it.
Hi Larry,
This is just a test to see if duplicate email issues is resolved.
I only saw one comment on my email = but I don’t think this new system will work.
Check your email.
mmm, for a lot of the FX, when I drag over its ICON as described, it ‘plays’ the FX over the ICON, but NOT displayed over the actual user’s clip.
OPTION feature is a new one tho!
Thx Larry!
This is a great, time-saving tip. It takes so long to render a clip with an effect and then if I don’t like it, I have to makes changes and render again. It’s very frustrating. Previewing the clip like this saves a lot of time and irritation.