Tip #997: A Faster Way to Jump
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #997: A Faster Way to Jump
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Click the timecode then enter the timecode where you want to jump the playhead.

As projects get bigger, finding faster ways to move around means you can get more done in less time. Here’s a cool trick.
Click directly on the timecode numbers at the bottom of the Viewer, then enter the timecode where you want to move the playhead.
Press Return and the playhead jumps there instantly.
Enter timecode as HHMMSSFF, without punctuation.
Type +, followed by a number and Return, and the playhead will add that duration to the current playhead location and move right.
Type –, followed by a number and Return, and the playhead will subtract that duration to the current playhead location and move left.
If you enter a number greater than your frame rate, FCP X will automatically calculate the correct duration.
The keyboard shortcut equivalent to clicking in the timecode numbers is Control+P.
Thanks, as always, for the tip.