… for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Tip #3: 12 Keyboard Shortcuts You REALLY Need to Know

Larry Jordan – https://LarryJordan.com

These twelve shortcuts can help you edit faster – instantly.

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Here are twelve keyboard shortcuts I use virtually everyday when editing in Premiere. What I like best about these is how they speed the editing process by making actions that I use over and over blindingly fast.

  • ~ — The Tilda key enlarges whatever panel the cursor is in to full screen or back. This is an AMAZINGLY helpful shortcut.
  • . [period] — Overwrite edit the selected Project panel clip(s) into the timeline at the position of the playhead.
  • , [comma] — Insert edit the selected Project panel clip(s) into the timeline at the position of the playhead.
  • Shift + H — Toggle Hover Scrub on/off.
  • Option + [up/down arrow] — Move selected clip up/down a track.
  • F — Create a Match Frame.
  • Cmd + U — Create a subclip from selected range in a clip.
  • Shift + Cmd + [left/right arrow] — Nudge selected clip left/right 5 frames.
  • E — Jump (extend) the selected edit point to the position of the cursor.
  • Shift + K — Play around the edit point. This is a very fast way to review an edit.
  • Cmd + [plus/minus] — Increase/decrease video track height.
  • Option + [plus/minus] — Increase/decrease audio track height.


  • Drag the name of any panel to move it elsewhere in the interface. Custom workspaces are the best!
  • Shift + E — Export a still frame of the frame under the playhead.

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