Tip #087: Get Rid of a Yellow Alert
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #087: Get Rid of a Yellow Alert
Larry Jordan – https://LarryJordan.com
Here’s what to do when nothing else works.
JR Drew suggested this:
Here’s something to add to your list of “How do I get rid of that annoying little yellow alert on my event when I have checked every piece of media/title/generator/transition, looked inside every compound clip created in the entire library, and they are all present and accounted for???”
I don’t know why this worked for me, but it did:
SHARE (export) the timeline in each file type available (.m4v, .mp4, .mov).
Again, no idea what was probably created during the writing, but it magically made the alert icon disappear.
Larry adds: This sounds like you were experienced bad render files. By exporting into different formats, you repaced the bad versions with good. You probably only need to do this with a couple of different formats to clean out all the bad render files.
The FCP-X database doesn’t’ seem to update very quickly if you make a change to an external file (like a motion graphics or vex file.) One quick workaround, if you know you’ve just updated such a file, is to to select everything in the timeline, to copy and then click anywhere in the timeline to clear and your yellow alert will have disappeared.