Tip #089: Create Subclips Using Keywords
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #089: Create Subclips Using Keywords
Larry Jordan – https://LarryJordan.com
Subclips are defined sections within large clips. And, they are easy to create in FCP X.
Keywords provide more and better ways to find clips, true. But… they also allow us to create subclips. Here’s how.
In the Browser, select a range within a clip either by dragging with the skimmer or playhead, or setting an In (shortcut: I) and Out (shortcut: O).
With that range selected, create a keyword (shortcut: Cmd + K) and give it a name.
NOTE: Use whatever name makes the most sense to you, but shorter is better.
Now, when you click that keyword, only the selected section shows up as a subclip in the Browser.
In this screen shot, the top image shows the selected range. After a keyword is created (“Key Reveal”), selecting that keyword displays only the portion of the original clip that was selected.
I liked the tip and was going to give it four or five stars. I clicked the first star and was going to add three more and it would not allow me to add more or remove the single star.
I am on the latest Safari on the latest Mojave on an up to date Mac Pro
Thanks for your note. I’ve asked my web team to look into how we handle rating clips and if there’s a way to prevent the “early voting” problem you experienced.