
Tip #1265: Dublin Core Metadata

… for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Tip #1265: Dublin Core Metadata

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Dublin Core provides a standardized way to identify and find resources, including media.

The DCMI logo – note the use of 15 dots.

Topic $TipTopic

I was wondering about what Dublin Core metadata actually is. So, I looked it up.

The original Dublin Core of thirteen (later fifteen) elements was designed to standardize key labels about resources. It was first published in a report from a workshop in 1995. It was formalized into ISO, ANSI/NISO and IETF standards a few years later.

NOTE: “Dublin” refers to Dublin, Ohio, USA where the schema originated during the 1995 invitational OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop. “Core” refers to the metadata terms as “broad and generic being usable for describing a wide range of resources”.

The resources described using the Dublin Core may be digital resources (video, images, web pages, etc), as well as physical resources such as books or CDs, and objects like artworks.

From this initial paper, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) evolved into the role of “de facto” standards agency by maintaining its own, updated documentation for DCMI Metadata Terms. The DCMI Usage Board currently serves as the maintenance agency for the ISO spec.

For more than twenty years, the DCMI community has developed and curated Dublin Core Specifications. More recently, DCMI has become recognised as a trusted steward of metadata vocabularies, concept schemes and other metadata artefacts, and has taken responsibility for other community-created specifications. DCMI remains committed to this important work, and is actively developing more efficient and sustainable approaches to the stewardship of these standards.


Here’s a link to the DCMI website.

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