
Tip #1355: Create a Poster Frame for iPhone Video

… for Codecs & Media

Tip #1355: Create a Poster Frame for iPhone Video

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

The iPhone displays the first frame of your video as the poster frame.

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This tip was suggested by Darcy Peters, who discovered a very cool way to add poster frames for iPhone movies.

Larry, you’ve explained how to add poster frames to video (link). However, this doesn’t translate to storing said videos on your iPhone, for example. Those files arbitrarily show the first frame of the video.

However, I discovered a very cool workaround:

Export a single frame of the video that I want to appear as the image icon on my iPhone. Then insert that frame as the first frame (single frame) of the video. Because it’s a single frame at the start of the video, the viewer will never notice it, but it works!

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