Tip #1378: Faster Ways to Edit Audio Files
… for Random Weirdness
Tip #1378: Faster Ways to Edit Audio Files
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Editing sound bites using text transcripts is faster and more accurate.
The big problem with editing a documentary is the VAST amount of material you need to sift through. Or, perhaps you are a podcaster or creating oral history projects. You have the same problem – tracking your content across an almost unlimited number of files. There’s only so much you can keep in your head.
The team at Lumberjack System has created a tutorial on some dynamic features in Lumberjack that can improve your editing and speed finding the right clip. For example, live logging to help you get organized by combining Builder NLE with Premiere or Final Cut, etc.
The key is using Builder NLE. This allows you to put together an entire project from transcripts to finished audio file. There are tools for trimming and fine-tuning an edit within Builder’s Story mode, and it would be entirely feasible (and frankly quite feasible) to finish an audio-only project there.
However, they recommend assembling the story (or “Radio Cut” as they call it) in Builder NLE and then use the many trimming tools available in Final Cut Pro X, or Premiere Pro to make your edits.
Love it! Thanks Larry