Tip #1385: Hidden Dissolve Options In Final Cut Pro
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #1385: Hidden Dissolve Options In Final Cut Pro
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Check out the creative dissolve options by looking in the Video Inspector.

Normally, when we need a dissolve in Final Cut, we select the edit point, type Cmd + T, adjust the timing and move on. However, there is a wealth of creative options if you know where to look. Specifically, in the Video Inspector.
Select a dissolve, then look in the Inspector. You’ll find a dozen different creative settings for a dissolve. The default is Video, but, surprisingly, that is also the most modest. (See the screen shot.)
Each of these settings uses different combinations of blend modes, vignettes and color settings to change the look of even the most ordinary of transitions.
I knew this. ? But forgot it. Thanks for the reminder! Great tip.