Tip #1412: Frame.io’s Camera To Cloud Hardware
… for Random Weirdness
Tip #1412: Frame.io’s “Camera To Cloud” Hardware
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
The hardware is not inexpensive, but the possibilities are vast.

Frame.io last Thursday launched Frame.io Camera to Cloud (Frame.io C2C). This new workflow lets customers instantly upload and stream images from on-set cameras to creative post-production teams anywhere in the world.
Frame writes: “We believe camera-to-cloud will have a massive impact on the filmmaking industry at large — especially at a time like now, when filmmakers are trying to get back on set with fewer crew members; camera-to-cloud takes video village off-set for a completely safe way to produce films. ”
To make this happen requires a combination of Frame’s online secure review and comment platform with leading hardware companies to connect production tools with the cloud.
Frame partnered with three leading companies to make C2C possible:
- Picture: Teradek
designs and manufactures high-performance video solutions for broadcast and cinema. A Frame.io authenticated CUBE 655 encoder delivers live streams and camera proxy files directly into Frame.io. - Sound: Sound Devices
designs and manufactures the world’s leading production sound field recorders. The latest 888 and Scorpio recorders capture and transmit original audio files directly into Frame.io. - Post: Colorfront has developed the world’s first fully cloud dailies platform. Their Express Dailies integration with Frame.io allows labs to instantly access the video and audio assets to create dailies.
As well, Frame published the API of their new system so that studios and developera can create their own custom workflows.
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