
Tip #1656: iOS Advertising Opt In Rates

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Tip #1656: iOS Advertising Opt In Rates

Customer’s value their privacy, but the stats are still coming in.

Section of the US opt-in tracking chart. (Courtesy Flurry Analytics.)

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One of the most talked-about features in iOS 14.5 is Apple’s insistence that users give their permission for their personal data to be tracked. This created a firestorm of controversy in the industry, especially from developers who’s business plan is based on tracking, compiling or selling user data.

While initial surveys suggested 40% of iOS users would opt out, the reality is far more dramatic. Flurry.com, a company specializing in iOS and Android analytic software, is tracking the results.

They provide two reports: one tracking daily opt-in statistics and the other an analysis of what these numbers actually mean.

Both reports are worth reading as the provide a startling summary of how individual users view the importance of data privacy.

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