
Tip #1730: Final Cut Pro Bug Workarounds

… for Apple Final Cut Pro X

Tip #1730: Final Cut Pro Bug Workarounds

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Two workarounds for apparent bugs in Final Cut Pro.

Image detail courtesy of Pexels.com.

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Scott Newell reports on two workarounds for Final Cut Pro.


Just wanted to share two FCP X stories with you. I was trying to output (share) a fairly complex video with lots of various video sources and found it stopped at 94% each time. Online searches said it could be a corrupt file somewhere and many suggested trashing preferences. Nothing worked.

So I rendered out a section at a time to see where the problem was. Turned out to be a plugin from Pixel Film Studios near the end and it was in a very dense portion of the timeline.. I’ve used many of their plugins successfully before, but it must have been taxing my system beyond its capabilities. Removed the effect and it rendered without a hitch.

My takeaway (which I suspect is something you already do) is to look at 3rd party plugins first when there is a problem like that.

LARRY ADDS: The two biggest issues that cause renders to fail are corrupt stock media and broken plugins.


One other question that doesn’t involve plugins. Sometimes when I start a new project and copy and paste from another project to start things going, the enlarge and shrink keyboard shortcuts (CMD+ and CMD-) don’t have any effect. I have to go to the appearance icon in the top right corner of the Timeline and move the timeline resize slider to enable the keystrokes again. Wonder why that is?

Just recently a friend called me to ask why his CMD+ and CMD- key combinations weren’t working and I knew exactly what he was talking about, so I must not be the only one this is happening with.

NOTE: Scott sent me this note before the latest FCP 10.5.3 update. I don’t know whether these were fixed in that version or not.

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