Tip #324: Improve Your Video Interviews
… for Random Weirdness
Tip #324: Improve Your Video Interviews
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Planning and communication are the keys to success.
These first appeared in an article written by Caleb Ward for PremiumBeat as a list of 15 tips. I’ve selected my top 7 favorites from his list.
Shooting a video interview can be one of the most challenging aspects of the filmmaking process. Here are seven tips to take your interview skills to the next level and avoid nasty surprises on set.
- Do your research and plan your questions carefully.
- Scout the location.
- Coordinate costume and logistics with your talent before the shoot.
- Use a professional sound recordist.
- Decide where you want the talent to look (their “eyeline”).
- If possible, shoot with more than one camera to simplify editing.
- Record B-roll and room tone before leaving the set.
The whole article is worth reading.
Ask open ended questions. This avoids yes/no useless answers