
Tip #333: Favorites are Faster

… for Apple Final Cut Pro X

Tip #333: Favorites are Faster

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Favorites are a fast way to build a “selects” reel.

The Favorites menu in Apple Final Cut Pro X.
Favorites are a fast way to flag clips that you really like, or really don’t want.

Topic $TipTopic

Apple made a big deal of Favorites when Final Cut Pro X was first launched. Now, you need to know where to look to find them. But, they are absolutely worth learning, because they can make finding the right clip a lot faster. Here’s how.

Favorites allow you tag clips, or ranges within a clip, as either a Favorite, Deleted or unflagged.

In the screen shot, here’s what the bars mean:

  • Green. The clip, or the range within a clip, is a Favorite (think of this as a select).
  • Red. The clip is flagged as deleted. Nothing is actually deleted, the clip is still in the Browser, but not displayed.
  • No bar. The clip is unflagged.
  • Dark blue. The clip has keywords assigned to it. (This isn’t a favorite, but I thought you’d like to know anyway.)

To apply a Favorite, select the clip(s), or range within a clip, in the Browser, and type:

  • F. This marks a Favorite
  • Delete. This marks a deleted clip. Be sure to use the big Delete key.
  • U. This removes any flags assigned with that clip; this resets both Favorite and deleted clips.

To see only clips that are Favorites or any other category, go to the Hide Rejected menu at the top of the Browser and select what you want to see.

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2 replies
  1. Gretta Wing Miller
    Gretta Wing Miller says:

    Favorites are much more valuable with the Browser in list mode where you can name them so you know what the rating is for! Twirl down the triangle, I/O, F, tab, tab, name, space. Repeat…then you have a list of named Favorites right under your clip and see what they are.

    • Kit Laughlin
      Kit Laughlin says:

      That’s excellent, Gretta. I am saving this, as I usually use List mode and the slowest part is putting the cursor in the first editable field. Putting the two tips together: gold.


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