Tip #339: Inexpensive Green-screen Kits
… for Visual Effects
Tip #339: Inexpensive Green-screen Kits
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Do-It-Yourself is possible, but this kit is better.
While there are tons of articles on the web about creating Do-It-Yourself green screen kits, what you save in money, you more than waste in post-production trying to pull a clean key from a cheap background. Instead, consider a green-screen background kit.
Here are three to look at.
There are many others to choose from. With these three, though, for less than $150, you get everything you need to create and light a background.
While the Emart kit is the least expensive, what I like about the other two kits is that they include softlights for the talent, as well.
The key to a successful key is an absolutely smooth and flat-lit background. Then, use separate lights to light the talent. Any of these kits can help.
I wish everyone who shoots greenscreen that I have to edit would read this. Most of the time they tack up some green cloth on a wall with no thought for lighting and call it good. I waste hours every week dealing with this