
Tip #529: Add Keyframes with the Range Tool

… for Apple Final Cut Pro X

Tip #529: Add Keyframes with the Range Tool

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
This tip originally appeared as an Apple KnowledgeBase article. This is an excerpt.

With Final Cut Pro, you can use keyframes to create simple changes to audio over time, such as fading the volume or an effect in or out in the middle of a clip.

NOTE: A “keyframe” indicates where a parameter, such as volume, changes. The minimum number of keyframes for any effect are two, which mark the start and end of the change.

You can also place keyframes at specific points in a clip to change the parameter value of an audio enhancement or effect at those points. For example, you can keyframe specific points for an effect such as reverb or distortion.


When making volume adjustments to a clip in the timeline, you can use the Range Selection tool to add keyframes automatically across a selected range.

  • Click the Tools pop-up menu above the timeline and choose Range Selection (or press R).
  • Drag across the area where you want to adjust the volume or effect.
  • Adjust the volume or effect within the range by dragging the effect’s horizontal control up or down.

Keyframes are automatically created within the range.


Tip #553 illustrates how to add keyframes to audio effects using the hidden Audio Animation bar.

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