Tip #571: Useful Motion Keyboard Shortcuts
… for Apple Motion
Tip #571: Useful Motion Keyboard Shortcuts
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
300+ shortcuts organized and ready for you.
The folks at ShortCutWorld.com have compiled a list of 300+ keyboard shortcuts for Apple Motion and grouped them into 29 categories!
This is the most extensive list of shortcuts for Motion that I’ve seen in a long while.
Here’s the link.
The KeyGuide™ for Final Cut Pro 7 listed 450 keyboard commands. But there were another 450 commands available for mapping! Ah, for the old days…
This is a great resource, except for the embedded ads for MacKeeper, which installs known malware, according to the great utility Malwarebytes- the contemporary version of Disinfectant.
Best, as always.
Loren S. Miller
Thanks for the heads up.