Tip #601: FCP X: Color Wheel Secret Tip
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #601: FCP X: Color Wheel Secret
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Lock the hue while varying the saturation.

Here’s a secret tip when working with the macOS Colors window to choose a color.
Drag the small puck in the color wheel to choose a color, then press the Shift key.
This constrains the movement of the puck so that it moves in a straight line between its current position and the center.
This allows you to lock the hue while changing the saturation.
This is a subtle “Duh!” tip. Holding shift is a standard means to constrain cursor movement in graphics programs. Just never though of trying it in this scenario.
Great tip Larry,
agreed. I thought the same thing. It’s always the little things.