Tip #806: Adjust Projects with Project Properties
… for Apple Motion
Tip #806: Adjust Projects with Project Properties
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Every project setting can be adjusted after you start, except for frame rate.
Once you’ve created a Motion project, you can always go back and adjust its basic settings. Except… Well, let me illustrate.
Select the Project in the Layers panel.
Then, go to Inspector > Properties.
This is where you can change frame size, duration, and other settings.
NOTE: Keep in mind that you can only change frame rate in an empty project. Once even one element is added, frame rate is locked.
Changing the duration does not extend or contract the timing of any elements. This is a good reason to set the duration before you start creating a project.
Also, when you change the duration, Motion sets an In and Out to match the duration of the original project. This means that you will need to remove these marks, as well as manually adjust the timing of any clips that need to extend beyond the original duration.
You can change the frame rate by editing the Motion file using textedit or similar OR
use the free utility from Motion VFX
Thanks for letting us know – I was not aware of this utility.