Tip #816: A Baker’s Dozen Better Shortcuts
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #816: A Baker’s Dozen Better Shortcuts
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
If I were to pick my favorite shortcuts, these are probably it.
When you start doing the same tasks over and over, keyboard shortcuts can make you more efficient. Here are the keyboard shortcuts I use everyday when editing in Final Cut:
- Control + Cmd + 1 — Toggle Library and Browser display on/off.
- Cmd + 4 — Toggle the Inspector open or closed
- Shift + Z — Fit image into Viewer or project into Timeline.
- Cmd + 7 — Show/Hide video scopes.
- Shift + I / O — Jump the playhead to the In / Out.
- Option + X — Delete both the marked In and Out.
- V — Toggle clip visibility off or on.
- E — Perform a standard append edit into the Primary Storyline at the end of the timeline.
- W — Perform a standard insert edit at the position of the skimmer/playhead.
- D — Perform an overwrite edit into the Primary Storyline at the position of the playhead.
- Option + W — Insert a gap into the Timeline at the position of the skimmer/playhead.
- Cmd + B — Cut all selected clip(s) at the position of the skimmer/playhead.
- Shift + comma/period — Move selected edit point or connected clip ten frames left/right.
- S — Toggle skimming on or off.
- F — Flag a clip or clip range as a Favorite.
Great selection of FCPX shortcuts… I would like to see more! Well Done! Kindest regards…. Ron
Thanks for asking, here’s my list:
Don’t forget N to turn snapping on and off.
Yup, this is one I use all the time, too.