Tip #850: A Quick Way to View Photoshop Layers
… for Apple Final Cut Pro X
Tip #850: A Quick Way to View Photoshop Layers
Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com
Double-click a Photoshop image

One of the benefits to using Photoshop images in your projects is that FCP X allows you to access each layer in the Photoshop document separately. But how?
Double-click it.
Whether the image is in the browser or the timeline, the Photoshop image will open in a special section of the timeline, where each layer is displayed.
At this point you can:
- Hide a layer by selecting it and typing V
- Animate a layer, for example, to have it slide into the frame
- Change the timing of when a layer appears by trimming an edge
- Add transitions to a layer; for example to have a layer fade in at a specific time
- Delete a layer by selecting it and pressing Delete
- Scale a layer
- Reposition a layer
The possibilities are endless.
If you adjust the clip in the browser, it will affect every iteration of that clip that is edited into the timeline.
If you adjust a clip in the timeline, it will affect only that iteration of the clip.
To “close” a Photoshop image opened into the timeline, open a different project into the timeline.
Good Tip Larry – In my experience, FCP will not recognise the Photoshop layers unless the Photoshop file has been saved as RGB and 8 Bit. I do this when I create the new Photoshop file.
Good to know.
Great tip