… for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Tip #1781: What the Render Bar Colors Mean

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Premiere is fast, but sometimes not fast enough.

Different render bar colors in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Render bar colors indicate what needs to be rendered before playback.

Topic $TipTopic

Most of the time, Premiere can play back your sequence in real-time displaying high-quality, full frame-rate images by harnessing the power of the Mercury Playback Engine.

However, every so often, you’ll create an effect that is so complex, it needs to render for optimum playback.

DEFINITION: Render means to calculate. But “calculate” is a very boring word. “Render” is much sexier. To render an effect means we are calculating the effect and turning it into video.

How can you tell if rendering is necessary? By the color of the render bar at the top of the Timeline.

  • No bar. Everything is playing perfectly. No rendering is necessary.
  • Yellow. An unrendered section that is complex, but may not need to be rendered in order to play back the sequence in real-time and at the full frame-rate.
  • Red. An unrendered section that needs to be rendered in order to play back the sequence in real-time and at the full frame-rate.
  • Green. A fully-rendered section of the sequence.


To render some or all of a sequence, select the clips you want to render, then choose Sequence > Render Selection. A dialog appears showing the render status.

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… for Apple Final Cut Pro X

Tip #1771: Tips to Help Find Clips Faster

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Final Cut provides very powerful and flexible search across all media.

The Keyword Editor (shortcut: Cmd+K) in Final Cut Pro.

Topic $TipTopic

Looking for better ways to organize and find media in Final Cut Pro? The secret is keywords. These three articles illustrate how keywords can help you get organized.

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… for Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Tip #1754: Webinar Showcases Premiere Beta Features

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Adobe begins a total revision of Premiere Pro.

Larry’s webinar illustrating the new features in Premiere Pro (beta).

Topic $TipTopic

Adobe introduced two major new features and two new redesigns in the latest beta release of Premiere Pro. These include:

  • New media import workflow
  • New sequence export workflow
  • Redesigned header bar and workspace menu
  • Redesigned Quick Export menu

I created a webinar to illustrate these new features. You’ll find it here.

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… for Apple Motion

Tip #1714: Apple Updates Motion

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

This release is all bug fixes, no new features.

The Motion logo, along with the latest version number.

Topic $TipTopic

Last week, as part of updates to all their media applications, Apple updated Motion to version 5.5.2. All of the changes listed by Apple are bug fixes, no new features were announced.

Here’s the complete list of fixes, as released by Apple:

  • Fixes an issue in which a 3D object would render with incorrect brightness on Mac computers with Apple silicon.
  • Fixes an issue in which Motion could quit unexpectedly when closing a project after export.
  • Fixes an issue in which emoji would render incorrectly in an HDR project.
  • Fixes an issue in which Motion could quit unexpectedly when closing the application with the HUD open.
  • Fixes an issue in which Motion could quit unexpectedly when adjusting the opacity of a gradient using the onscreen control.
  • Fixes an issue in which Motion would quit unexpectedly when dragging media or an object into a USDZ media well.

Here’s a link to Apple’s Release Notes for Motion.

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… for Codecs & Media

Tip #1715: Apple Updates Compressor

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Update adds a variety of new features.

The Apple compressor logo, displaying the latest version number.

Topic $TipTopic

Last week, as part of updates to all their media applications, Apple updated Compressor to version 4.5.3.

New features include:

  • Optimization for Apple silicon
  • Batch status notifications
  • Improved audio descriptions

Here’s the complete list of new features, according to Apple:

  • Adds the ability to modify the start timecode of a source clip or audio file.
  • Adds the ability to choose the color palette and dithering algorithm to minimize the file size of PNGs and GiFs.
  • Adds the ability to resize vertical video to other vertical frame sizes and square video to other square frame sizes with new Up To presets in the inspector.
  • Adds the ability to resize video to vertical and square aspect ratios using new presets for Cropping and Padding in the inspector.
  • Allows a user to disable passthrough of source metadata to output audio files and MOV, MP4, M4V, and MXF video formats.
  • Adds an alert when a group of shared computers contains a Mac with an incompatible Compressor version.
  • Adds support for MXF language tags.
  • Adds the ability to write an AVCHD disk image to the file system.
  • Adds keyboard shortcuts to create new batches for iTunes Store or IMF Packages types.
  • Fixes an issue where DPX or Cineon image sequences were imported with an incorrect frame rate.

I especially like the new resizing options.

Here’s the link to Apple Compressor’s Release Notes.

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… for Apple Final Cut Pro X

Tip #1694: What Does “Analyze & Fix” Do?

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

These automated features help find and fix problem clips.

The Final Cut Analyze and Fix dialog box, with audio fixes enabled.

Topic $TipTopic

Final Cut provides an option – Analyze and Fix – that will review clips either during or after import to find and, potentially fix, any problems with the clip.

This process runs in the background and can be monitored in the Background Tasks window (Shortcut: Cmd + 9)

If you want to check clips after they are imported, simply select the clips you want to check in the Browser and choose File > Analyze and Fix.


Here’s what the options mean (according to Apple’s Help files):

Balance Color: Analyzes video clips to detect color balance and contrast. Color is automatically balanced when you add the clip to the timeline. You can turn automatic color adjustments on and off at any time using the Video Inspector.

Find People: Analyzes video clips and still images for the number of people present and shot types. After analysis, any of the following keywords are added to the clips or clip ranges: One Person, Two Persons, Group, Close Up Shot, Medium Shot, and Wide Shot.

Consolidate find people results: Consolidates all of the “find people” analysis keywords into one shot type keyword and one people keyword for every 2-minute segment of video. The shot type keyword chosen is the one for the widest shot type, and the people keyword chosen is the one representing the most people. For example, if a video segment contains Medium Shot, Wide Shot, One Person, and Group keywords, the segment’s analysis keywords are reduced to Wide Shot and Group during consolidation.

Create Smart Collections after analysis: Creates a Smart Collection for each keyword applied when video clips and still images are analyzed for the presence of people. The Smart Collections are listed alphabetically in a People folder inside the event in the Libraries sidebar.


Analyze and fix audio problems: Analyzes the audio for hum, noise, and loudness. Final Cut Pro automatically fixes problems that are considered severe (marked in red) and flags problems that are considered moderate (marked in yellow). See Enhance audio in Final Cut Pro.

Separate mono and group stereo audio: Audio channels are analyzed and grouped as dual mono or stereo, depending on the results of the analysis. Automatically corrected audio channels are marked as Autoselected. For more information about audio channels, see Configure audio channels in Final Cut Pro.

Remove silent channels: Audio channels are analyzed, and silent channels are removed. Clips that have had channels removed are marked as Autoselected. For more information about audio channels, see Configure audio channels in Final Cut Pro.


Personally, i don’t like the results of video analysis, so I always turn these off. However, I do like the results of audio analysis so I always turn these on.

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… for Visual Effects

Tip #1636: New Demos at Toolfarm

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

8 new/updated tutorials – all free.

Image courtesy of Toolfarm.com.

Topic $TipTopic

Toolfarm has added or updated 8 demos to their ever growing collection of free trials. The demos give you chance to take a plug-in for a spin and kick the tires, so you can get a feel for how it works, and if it works with your system.

Here’s the list:

  • Chris Vranos Lockdown
  • Digital Anarchy
    • Flicker Free
    • Beauty Box
  • FabFilter Timeless 3
  • Blace
    • AI Face Detection & Blurring
    • Goodbye Greenscreen
  • Crunchy Cloners + Effectors
  • Will Cecil Pixel Encoder

Toolfarm Link.

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… for Codecs & Media

Tip #1604: SoftRAID Now Compatible with M1 Macs

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Be sure to upgrade to macOS 11.3 for SoftRAID to work.

The SoftRAID logo.

Topic $TipTopic

Due to significant changes in file handling with Big Sur and M1 Macs, it took at while for OWC SoftRAID to become compatible.

Then, with Big Sur 11.2, Apple broke that compatibility, again, with file changes that affected M1 Macs.

SoftRAID just announced that Big Sur 11.3 now allows SoftRAID to work with both Big Sur and M1 Macs.

Here’s a blog post from Tim Standing, head of the SoftRAID team at OWC with the details.

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… for Visual Effects

Tip #1595: Re:Vision Effects Goes Beta for M1 Mac

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

Re-Vision Effects now offers betas versions for M1 Macs

Topic $TipTopic

Re:Vision Effects sent an update email late last week:

We’re in the process of updating the current versions of our plug-ins for M1 support. Sorry, but older versions can’t be retrofitted so you will need to upgrade.

All of our product for OpenFX are now available with an M1 version. The installer will now detect the machine type and you will have an option to install M1, Intel or both. These have been tested in the Resolve 17 M1 build and should work with other OpenFX hosts (e.g. Nuke, Scratch,…) as they release M1 builds.

We’ve released Twixtor regular as FxPlug 4 for M1 and labeled the release M1 beta. On an Intel machine you will still use the old plug-ins. Bonus: more support for Motion with Twixtor is coming soon, we’ll announce when the update is ready.

For more information, visit: www.revisionfx.com

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… for Visual Effects

Tip #1600: What Effects Software Runs on M1 Macs?

Larry Jordan – LarryJordan.com

M1 compatibility is still “a work in progress.”

Image courtesy of Toolfarm.com.

Topic $TipTopic

Toolfarm has published and recently updated a list of effects titles and their compatibility with M1 Macs. This list of over 100 applications includes those with both Rosetta and native compatibility.

Here’s the link.

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